
Roz Paterson dip. PBST (CASI)

My name is Roz and my passion is parrots.

I wanted to create this Think Parrot website to share the knowledge I have gained in the years of living with these wonderful and complex creatures. My learning will, I hope, help others not only to keep their parrots, but to keep them happy and healthy.

[To contact me, please click here.]

Although Think Parrot covers many subjects from food to housing, it is behaviour in which I have a special interest. My wish is to make the principles of the science of behaviour available to everyone, in easy-to-understand language. To show how we don’t need to use punishment, flooding and other aversive ways to change behaviour when we have much kinder tools at our disposal.

My own learning started about a year after acquiring Kobe, a Blue-headed Pionus, in 2007. Before I knew it I had a big problem with what I perceived as “aggressive” behaviour. Where had my sweet little hand-reared baby gone? I knew nothing about behaviour, but I did know the advice I subsequently received on many forums was very wrong. So I started reading books and magazine articles, good, bad and mediocre until I found a reference to Dr Susan Friedman’s online courses. Her principles made absolute sense. She taught the science of behaviour. And so my journey began.

Qualifications and Training

2024 – Currently I am being mentored by Pamela Clark, CPBC

2023 – Diploma of Parrot Behavior Science and Technology + the Advanced Graduate Track (with distinction). A Masters level course for professionals with CASI (Companion Animal Sciences Institute)

2011 – Certificate of Excellence Living and Learning with Animals. A foundation course in behaviour analysis for professionals with Dr Susan Friedman (Behavior+ Works)

2010 – Certificate of Excellence Living and Learning with Parrots with Dr Susan Friedman (Behavior+ Works)


TA (Teacher’s Assistant/tutor) on LLA, LLP and Parrot BAS Mini Lessons

Author of articles for Parrots Magazine

I continue to learn by attending and engaging in as many seminars, webinars and Facebook groups as possible given by professional trainers who practice the principles of the science of behaviour.

My birdie assistants are (in order of arrival):

Kobe, the Blue-headed Pionus. His hatch day is 26/05/07 and he has lived with me since he was almost 5 months old. A chatty and active bird since a very young age. Attention is a huge reinforcer for Kobe. I have to think outside the box re training since he doesn’t usually work for food. After rejecting Ollie’s offer of friendship for 9 years, he at last gave in and enjoyed a close relationship with him a full year before Ollie passed.

Ollie, the Orange-winged Amazon was neglected to the extent that he developed serious respiratory disorders including Aspergillosis. He wasn’t expected to survive. He was given to me on 01/08/10, age unknown. Ollie arrived afraid of humans, silent and still. He slowly blossomed into a wonderful character, always curious and able to amuse himself. I learned so much training with him. He adored Kobe since his arrival and became good friends with him during the last year of his life.

Chico, the Panama Amazon was going to be euthanized because of his aggression and noise. After being passed down through the same family he was given to me on 21/06/14 at the age of 48+ years old. Chico has chronic feather destructive behaviour, bad arthritis, is pretty much blind and a few years ago had a stroke. He seems happy enough with lots to say, sing and laugh about. He is quick to learn proving you can teach an old parrot new tricks!

Bobbie (Princess B), the Red-lored Amazon masqueraded as a male in her first two homes. After being given to me on 21/06/14 when she was around 15 years old, my suspicions that “he” was in fact a “she” proved correct. From the hilarious things she says she was certainly loved by her first home. Not being able to fly when she first arrived was a big set back. She gradually learned using the sofa as a landing pad, and is constantly improving her aviation skills. Like the other Amazons she is willing to learn new things for food.

Joe Joe (Joe Joe Binks), the Orange-winged Amazon is the newest addition to the family. He joined us on 11/10/21, age unknown. Joe Joe was initially found living in a small cage in a walk in coat cupboard. Since then he has had two lovely homes who taught him to trust people again but who sadly had to give him up due to changing circumstances. Joe Joe has settled in well and loves to be in the hub of activity. His favourite places are the kitchen and the aviary.

Think Parrot is dedicated to my beloved Amazon, Ollie, best friend and teacher, who tragically lost his life to PDD/AG on 19/12/20