The Silence of the Deck Monster

Bobbie: “We haven’t seen the Deck Monster in a long time.”

Joe Joe: “You’re right! Let’s split up and search for him.”

Bobbie: “Any luck, Joe Joe?”

Joe Joe: “Nothing.”

Bobbie: “Nothing here either…”

Joe Joe: “Keep searching, Bobbie!”

Bobbie (whispers): “I will!”

Bobbie: “BOO!”
Joe Joe: “Aaargh!”

Joe Joe: “STOP IT, Bobbie! You’re not taking this seriously.”

Bobbie: “I’m taking it very seriously.”

Joe Joe: “I’ve got an idea!”

Joe Joe: “Let’s lure him out with dandelions!”

Bobbie: “Deck Monsters don’t eat dandelions!”

Joe Joe: “Yes, they do! Everyone likes dandelions.”

Joe Joe: “O Deck Monster, here’s a fragrant dandelion for you!”


Bobbie: “Well, that didn’t do much.”

Joe Joe: “Perhaps he’s over here.”

Joe Joe: “Wait……….”

Bobbie: “What?”

Joe Joe: “I see something… something YELLOW!”

Bobbie: “It’s the dandelions you pushed down there.”

Joe Joe: “NO! It’s………..”


Joe Joe: “RUN, Bobbie, RUNNNNNNNN!”
Deck Monster: “I don’t eat dandelions, but I am partial to parrot with some fava beans and a nice ginger beer! He He He”
Disclaimer: The Deck Monster is actually vegetarian – he’s never eaten parrot, but likes to make jokes.